Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hypnosis - Where’s the Magic?

What is hypnosis and why does is it intrigue us so much?

There are many different definitions of hypnosis, the first result in search engines is:

A trance-like state in which a person becomes more aware and focused and is more open to suggestion.

The Oxford dictionary tells us that hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.

Many hypnotherapists would disagree with the Oxford dictionaries explanation of what hypnosis means. The idea of losing power over your actions during hypnosis is not what hypnotherapy is about in their opinion.

Hypnotists will tell you that hypnosis is to do with relaxation of your mind and body; however, you are in total control and can not be made to do anything you don’t want to do.

Hypnosis is more about making someone so relaxed that the therapist is able to speak directly to your subconscious mind, which will have a positive affect on your mind when you are fully conscious.

If for example you are afraid of spiders and you went to see a hypnotherapist to overcome this fear, the therapist would put you in a relaxed state, and speak to your subconscious mind about your fear of spiders. They would tell you that when you see a spider, they will no longer scare you etc.

If a therapist spoke these thoughts to you whilst you were fully alert, it would probably make no difference at all, but by speaking to you in a relaxed state of hypnosis, you cannot argue in your mind with the idea that next time you see a spider you will still be afraid.

Our subconscious mind is influence everyday without us really realising. We can hear a tune on the radio and think to ourselves, where have I heard that before? It was probably playing in the background somewhere where you have been.

We used to have a colleague at work who would deliberately walk into our office, whistle a tune whilst sending a fax, no one really took any notice as they were getting on with their work, however, a few minutes after he had gone, someone else (normally me) would hum the tune without really realising why and other people said they had that tune running around their head.

Oddly as it seems, the tune was planted into our subconscious mind without us really noticing.

That isn’t a magic trick, that is someone recognising that although we may be concentrating on one thing, our subconscious picks up everything that is going on around us.

The difference with us and hypnotist is that they have learned the art of this and how this can have an affect on us.

Even the stage hypnotist would like you to believe they have some kind of magic power, but infact, all they are really doing is talking to your subconcious through signs so that you will be more susceptible and amazed when they hit you with their trick.

Genuine hypnotherapists recognise that they can have a positive affect of people by using their skill, whether it be overcoming a fear, loosing weight, stopping bad habits or building up your self confidence, whatever it may be, you can at least know that there is no magic involved, and it is not a tool to make you do things you would not want to do in your normal alert state.


lose weight with hypnosis

Business Travel Success Plan

Over the last eleven years of traveling the globe I have learned many different lessons about business travel. Whether you are a seasoned travel expert or a recent college graduate getting ready for that first trip, I am sure that you will learn a few things from my dissertation below.

Business travel is weary on the family and can cause hardships that are difficult to put into words. When you are out of town, life around your house carries on in every sense. Your grass continues to grow, your power continues to flow, your kids have recitals and ball practices, and your spouse has meetings. Don't forget the small things and check in with your family members. Your not being around means that they have to do the things that you normally accomplish.

During your travel make sure to make time to take care of yourself as well. You will be eating at fine restaurants all over the world. You will get to sample local cuisines that you have never before had. Your body will suffer from the overload of food and beverages. Make time to go to your hotels gyms between work hours and dinner. Simply working out for 30 mins. each afternoon should keep you in fighting form for the meetings that you have coming up during the trip. It will also limit the perpetual expansion of the waste line from the foods that you are eating.

For meetings and arrival times, make sure to plan on showing up fifteen to twenty minutes before your meeting time. Showing up late to meetings is unacceptable for both your clients and for your company.

Always dress for success, never show up to your meetings in anything less than a Shirt, Tie, and Coat. Showing up in less than that attire for many companies is a sign of disrespect. While they may be sporting the latest in Golf apparel you need to sport something more along the lines of Donald Trump.

During the travel stages of your event plan on staying in mid-level accommodations. Never try to hit your company up for first class accommodations. The mid-level accommodation shows that you are willing to save the company money while not sacrificing your personal well-being. The mid-level accommodation will provide you with acceptable bedding and laundry services and a good night sleep.

As a final point keep in mind that you are representing your company. Conduct yourself at all times as if you were trying to win that coveted job spot. Because just as you interviewed for your current job. You are interviewing your company for future business with your clients.

Charles Cater

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Homes For Sale - Tips To Help Make Your Home More Marketable

You've finally decided that you want to sell your house. Your house is on the market, and you've found a real estate agent you can trust. Now what? The next and most obvious step is to get your home sold. To help aid in the selling of your home, I will outline some tips that I personally believe will benefit in the marketability and potential selling of your home. The goal here is to obtain that all important "stamp of approval" in which the red imprint reads: "SOLD."

Usually, the first place your potential buyer is going to see, will be the front of your house. The goal here is to make it as attractive as possible, but more importantly, inviting. First impressions are very important. First positive impressions, if you will, are even more important. The key here is to make sure everything looks neat and clean. Cut the grass, pull out the weeds, trim the bushes, plant some flowers, and clear out the walkway.

Make sure your home is clean. These include things like steam cleaning your carpets, mopping your floors, dusting hard-to-reach areas, and cleaning your windows (both inside and out). Potential buyers are very picky people, and as such, they like to inspect as much as they can.

Try and keep both colors and styles neutral. The key here is not to influence your buyer with your own personal style. Someone might walk in, look at a red wall, and be immediately turned off. The idea is to try and make them visualize the colors for themselves. Keeping things neutral is a good solution to this "problem."

Check lighting. No one wants to look at a house that they can't see. Seems obvious, right? Unfortunately, as a real estate agent myself, I've had quite a few cases where this element has been overlooked. Check your light bulbs, and make sure they're working. Although I recommend checking all the light bulbs, I'd be more concerned with the areas in the house that are darker or that require more artificial lighting. These include places like the basement and bathrooms. It's also a good idea to open your curtains. Simply put, the more natural light, the better.

Make repairs if necessary. These include things like a fresh coat of paint, patching up of any holes in the wall, and torn patio screens. You want your buyer to feel like your home has been well taken care of. This is a big plus.

Try to avoid clutter. One of the worst things that can happen is when your buyer feels "boxed in." Try and keep clutter to a minimum. Remove any unnecessary items such as too many pictures and accessories. The goal here is you want to have your house feel like a home, yet at the same time have it as spacious and organized as possible. You want the buyer to get a good sense of the space and visualize it as their own.

After all is said and done, it is important to note that the aforementioned tips do not guarantee a sell of ones home, although it can certainly help. Everyone is different, and there are other variables to consider. But like I said, these certainly can help. As a final test, invite a friend over and have them share their opinions with you about the presentation of your home. In the best case scenario, it is best to invite someone that has never been to your house (or not that often). In this way, they can view your home with a "fresh pair of eyes." All of these suggestions boil down to one common goal: You want your home to feel inviting, and have your potential buyer view it as their own.

And try also at Lake Tapps Homes for Sale.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to drive traffic to your website using funny videos

After a website is optimized for the search engines, some creative marketing can easily be done to help drive new traffic to your site. Many high traffic entertainment/humor websites use funny videos that are viewed for free by site visitors. In fact, many of these viral video clips that are sent around the world via e-mail originated from these websites.

The only down side to starting a funny videos site is the initial cost to build it, and ongoing update costs, coupled with the bandwidth these websites consume, which can cost between $100-$1000/month just for hosting on a dedicated server. This is because these funny videos websites have hundreds or even thousands of downloadable videos available, and every time one is viewed there is a sizable amount of bandwidth consumed.

So how do you take the idea from the funny videos platform and apply it to your own website? Webmasters can easily incorporate this creative marketing technique into their own eCommerce websites.

Think about it this way. Most eCommerce websites have one primary function: To sell a product. The key to success with an eCommerce website is to rank high in the search engines and be found by someone looking for a product. Often times when a customer visits an eCommerce site, he or she sees the same basic format. There is a nice looking home page with an overview of the company and product line, and some pictures of featured products. Then the customer can find links to other product pages as well, or do a search for a product by keyword.

But to get the customer to come back to your website and buy more products, there must be something that sets you apart from your competition. How can this be done? There are two effective methods to achieve this. In a nutshell, adding video media will bring a whole new dimension to your website to help drive new traffic and gain repeat visitors.

In the case of an entertainment website, the funny videos are the catalyst that drives the repeat traffic to the website. In the case of an eCommerce website, you can add videos to your pages that blend with the theme of a particular product.

For example, if you sell fishing gear, then you can add the funny video of the reporter in Mexico who was floating down the river, only to be repeatedly pummeled by hundreds of fish that were jumping at his spotlight into the boat. That should get a laugh from your customer, and give them something to feel good about while they are looking at your product inventory. It's kind of like a bakery. When you walk into a bakery, you are almost always enticed to buy something. It makes you feel good. Well on the internet, you unfortunately don't have the option of smelling what you see. But adding funny media can arouse other senses in a customer and make their shopping experience more enjoyable.

Another great way to help market your product is by creating 'how to' videos for your products. For example, if you sell products for sailboats, you can make a series of short 'knot-tying' videos, and feature a different type of video on each product page. This can be done easily with a digital camera that records video clips.

Here is how you can accomplish this:
1.First, set up an area where you camera is on a tripod or table.
2.Next, make sure you have a good backdrop for the video clips. You want to use an area that makes the action in the video stand out.
3.Then record the video. In the case of knot-tying, you can write a script before hand and narrate the video as you are tying each knot for the camera.
4.Then download your video clip to your computer. You can also modify the size of your video with any video editing shareware tool.
5.Simply upload the video clip to your website and link to it with a descriptive title. That is it.

One idea to make this effective is add one knot-tying clip to each product page. This will not only make the customer want to visit each page, but it keeps them interested in your website.

There is one more important point to consider. You must present the training clips so they are most effective. To do this, be sure and place them in a prominent area on each page so they can be seen. And add several lines of text under the video link with a description of the video and keywords that someone might find while searching. For example you can tag the video link with 'Instructional Video On How To Tie An Angler's Knot'.

Then lastly, you can create a separate webpage with a 'video directory' of all your videos. You want to also have search engine friendly keywords on this page as well. Then add a link to your directory page from your other pages, especially your index page.

These tips will help your website stand out from the competition. Simply by adding a few funny videos to your site, or some informative training videos that you can easily create from your home or office, you have added a creative marketing edge that goes beyond optimization.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's Never Too Late To Take A Beginner Piano Lesson!

Sometimes all it takes to get started down the road of music is a beginner piano lesson. How many times have you told yourself that you should learn to play an instrument before it gets too late? And how many times have you put off your first lesson because you just don’t have the time, or because you don’t know where to go? When you learn online, you eliminate the need to go looking for lessons because everything can be accomplished in the comfort of your own home.

For many people, learning to play the piano may seem intimidating, especially for those who are older. The piano may seem like it is a difficult instrument to play, but once you have your first lesson, you will realize it is not as hard as it looks. Sometimes all you need to do is rely on your hearing to learn how to play songs that are both easy and more complex.

Once you find the right online source that can instruct you on how to play the piano, you need to kick back and trust that they know what they are doing. Take a look at the testimonials and see how others have learned to play music. You will find that people of all ages and from all backgrounds are just as interested as you in learning to play the piano. And just how successful they have been.

If you don’t already have a piano in your home, you can buy a small keyboard to get started. Your main goal when you first start to learn the piano is to play a few notes and simple songs. Once you come to the end of your online piano course, you may find that you want to purchase a piano in order to improve your sound. But to start lessons, a keyboard is all you need.

Online piano courses are designed in such a way that you start off slowly, stepping up the pace as you build up confidence and skill. Learning at your own pace allows you to master each lesson plan before you’re ready to move on. This means that you will have all the concepts you need before you move on to the next lesson, which increases your ability to be more proficient at playing the piano.

After your first beginner piano lesson, you will be ready to start taking your lessons seriously. In no time at all, you can be playing the piano like an expert for your family and friends.

Hear and Play specializes in providing piano lessons and learning guides for those who wish to become more proficient in playing the piano by ear. Our programs are designed for beginners and advanced players – everyone has the opportunity to refine their skills and successfully play piano by ear. Contact us at http://www.hearandplay.com/ to learn more.

Find out how you can learn to play piano online.
Learn what is the best piano course so you can teach yourself to play piano.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Finding Unique Baby Gifts

A baby shower is an occasion for parents-to-be to receive useful gifts for their new baby. Often, this is in the form of the basics for the first year, such as bodysuits, baby t-shirts, blankets, diapers, and stimulation toys like black, white, and red mobiles. But in some cases, especially if these parents are having their second or third child, you, as a guest, might need to get creative, as these parents are probably equipped with hand-me-downs and have seen one-too-many diaper cakes and bodysuit sets. Some might suggest furniture as a unique baby gift, but here are some suggestions for arriving with a unique baby gift without spending a large amount of money.

Clothing is one of the first things people think to get for a baby gift, especially as parents will need as many pairs of baby basics for the first year as possible. While a basic baby gift is getting a pack of bodysuits in blue or pink for the respective sex, this notion of pink-for-girls and blue-for-boys can be shaken up a bit, especially as other colors exist on the market. Why not find sets of bodysuits in red, yellow, or green for either sex or find something patterned that doesn't use either blue or pink? Aside from bodysuits, babies often need socks, and a set of a half-dozen socks goes a long way for parents. Keep in mind that a baby grows fast and sizing ranges from under six months to six to twelve months.

Baby toys are another common baby gift, but instead of a mobile, many other baby toys - both fun and educational - can be found through various baby retailers. As stimulation toys are all the rage for parents, pick out other developmental toys, such as a soft stuffed toy with various textures and sounds. Not all stuffed toys are designed with black, white, and red in mind, so a stimulation toy not in these colors is a change of pace for the parents and the baby. Aside from actual toys, books are another option. Instead of Goodnight Moon, which the parents probably have already, look for an interactive book. Some books designed with babies in mind even have different textures on the page, which the child can touch as the parent reads.

Many options for baby gifts can be found through baby and gift retailers. Instead of arriving with a basic gift, add some variety to the selection of baby gifts the parents will receive with your unique present.

For the best unique baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets free shipping for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Appropriate Gifts For A Baby Shower

Celebrating the upcoming birth of a child by arranging a baby shower has become more and more popular. What better way to celebrate the arrival of a new little person to the world, than to have a nice little party for close friends and family.

It is customary to bring the new parents and their baby some gifts on this joyous occasion, and in this article we will look at some appropriate the gifts that will prove truly useful.

When buying gifts for a child, toys are usually the first thing that springs to mind. However, there are also many other items that are suitable. Also, remember that baby shower gifts need not only be for the baby. It is equally thoughtful to get something for the parents to be.

Buying toys

If you have decided to purchase a toy, or at least something playful, consider buying something that is educational and will boost the baby's brainpower. There is a rich selection of classic baby books and educational cd's and DVD's to choose from. For example, the Brainy Baby and Baby Einstein DVDs are highly recommended. And a visit to the local bookstore will surely provide you with many great alternatives. You may even find that some of the favourites from your own childhood are still available in reprinted edition, as well as books from many new authors. Choose books with many bright and bold pictures in them.

As for actual toys, there are many entertaining alternatives available. If you find something you like, you can certainly buy a toy for older babies that the baby can use when it grows a bit older. But just to be safe, stick to the toys for kids aged 3 and under.

Practical gifts for baby and parents

Some people are under the impression that a gift can't be something "useful and boring". However, while something like disposable diapers may not be the most fancy gift to give for a baby shower, it would definitely be a most thoughtful gift and most appreciated.

Diapers are expensive and babies will use them up very quickly. The new parents will appreciate them. Even those parents who opt to use cloth diapers may also find disposable diapers useful when travelling. A tip when buying diapers, pick the larger size ones instead of newborn diapers. After all, babies nowadays grow very fast and the newborn-size diapers may not be useful for very long. And while you are at it, why not thrown in some baby wipes as well.

Since hygiene is so important for little infants, a nice selection of baby bathroom essentials would also make a very thoughtful present. This does not have to be "boring" at all, as there are many things like cute baby puppets that may also double as scrubbing tools, or bubble bath with a soothing lavender scent will make bath time an entertaining experience for both the baby and parents. A hooded towel and some sweet smelling baby cologne or lotion is also suitable bath time goodies gifts.

Other usable items are pacifiers and bottles. However you should be aware that some babies prefer to use only a particular brand or shape for these items. If the parents-to-be have specified in the baby registry a brand or shape of bottles, nipples, and pacifiers, these items may be a safe choice for a baby shower gift. Otherwise, just steer clear from these baby items.

Finally, clothes is something that every baby needs - and will grow out of quickly. For this reason it may be a good idea to choose somewhat larger sizes than newborn sizes. Knowing the season the baby will arrive, and if at all possible the baby's gender, is also most helpful in choosing the clothes that will be just right.

If you, in spite of all these ideas and suggestions, can't come up with anything that you think would make an appropriate gift, a last resort could be to simply give the new parents a gift certificate for buying what they want themselves.

Overall, it is also a good idea to speak with some of the other guests of the baby shower well before the event takes place. You wouldn't want EVERYONE to bring disposable diapers, would you?

Simply Unique Baby Gifts

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 Key Challenges To Reduce Homework Time and Stress - What Parents Can Do

Parents have asked us why homework takes their child 2, 3 and even 4 times longer than their peers and what they can do about it. This article defines the 3 key issues and what parents can do about it. Student’s key issues often include:

1- Attention is a major problem, both in class and while doing homework
2- They often have one or more vision issues – too often these student’s eyes are either: not working together; skipping words or lines when reading; or they have difficulty copying off the board
3- They become tense when doing homework and often lose it

When a student has trouble paying attention in class, they often must be re-taught the information at home. What makes matters worse is that the students homework time which should have taken 45 minutes gets stretched to 1 and ½ hours due to re-teaching, and then to over 2 hours because they cannot stay focused.

Vision issues impact their homework in several ways:
1- They have trouble copying the notes off the board correctly and you spend time trying to understand the assignment
2- They skip words or lines when reading, further complicating life
3- When they do math problems they do not often align their work correctly, they miss minus and division signs so they make careless errors

Students often get tense when doing homework and battles often follow. What often happens is:
- Students are too intimidated to ask questions in class and they simply get stuck
- The student or parent gets angry and then …
- An argument starts which often escalates into a battle royale

What we recommend is that parents:
- Stay clam when doing homework with your child
- If your child gets stressed, give them a 1 or 3 minute break
- Hydrate them before doing homework and while doing homework
- When reading, use an index card or their finger to keep them on the right line
- If the attention is a significant issue, consider getting an ADHD diagnosis – if they have a learning disability or attention issues significantly impact their academic performance, the student could qualify for an Individualized Education Plan and they could get accommodations for homework which might include:

o Getting copies of notes – either provided by the teacher or by another student
o Seating by the teacher to improve attention
o Having the teacher check to make sure the student has written the assignment correctly
o Having you sign that they completed the assignment and putting it in a place they can find it
o An early warning system, where the teacher alerts you to issues early on
- If vision is a major issue see an optometrist – even if your child has 20/20 vision

At 3D Learner we have helped thousands of parents and students to reduce homework time and stress.

Baby First Year.com provides the latest parenting tips and parenting information as we are the one stop solution for parent resource on raising babies and children.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to Know If You Need a Colon Cleanse

Your colon is an important part of your body, without it your body would be unhealthy and unable to process the build up of toxins and bacteria from the food being digested in your intestinal tract. Dual Action Cleanse is designed to assist in maintaining and promoting a healthy and Clean Colon. Your Colon also has the function of establishing fluid and electrolyte balance throughout your entire body. When your colon can not do its task properly you will start feeling unhealthy and your skin will look blotchy and patchy. This is the time that you need a colon cleanse the most. Although it is recommended that you use it before the Colon reaches a stage where it is so unhealthy that it can perform its task properly. The Colon through its job is compacted with fecal matter and daily toxins form that will eventually lead to disease if you don't use it.

There are many health related complications can result from an unhealthy Colon which is not supported by Dual Action Cleanse such as:

Skin Irritations
In extreme circumstances Colon Cancer

Your Colon can cleanse itself naturally but in todays polluted environment many toxins are retained by fecal matter which becomes embedded in the Colon wall. Colon cleanses are designed to rid the Colon wall of the build up of toxins, bacteria and solid matter. Dual Action Cleanse works best in conjunction with a high fiber low fat diet as this ensures that your Colon can be fully flushed removing all sources of waste and toxins. Most people need to eat between 25 - 30 grams of fiber everyday to cleanse their Colon naturally but in this day and age people need the assistance of a cleanse because of the lack of fiber found in fast food meals.

Dual Action Cleanse is an easy and natural way to regain the health that your Colon needs to support a healthy body. it can be found in many good health food shops and also can be purchased on line. Fiber is important in your daily diet but to get the maximum benefit from it is recommended that you increase your daily fiber intact by eating foods such as:

Whole Grain breads

If you assist your body with a high fiber diet while taking Dual Action Cleanse you will be able to achieve a completely healthy Colon. It should be used as part of a daily health and exercise program to ensure that you get the full benefits that it can provide you. It is quickly becoming one of the fastest selling Colon cleansers because it actually works. It is the tool that you need in the maintenance of a healthy Colon and an overall healthy body. The only true way to true Colon health is with the assistance of such a product.

Want to learn everything there is to learn about all natural colon cleanses like dual action cleanse? Visit my blog at reviews of dual action cleanse for more information on this subject.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why Your Online Dating Service Did Not Work

Online dating service serves as a happy hour for most people who don’t feel like going to a bar or disco to meet people, have new friends, and eye gorgeous hanks and ladies to date.

An online dating service is a convenient and relatively safe, when done properly, way for anyone to explore their options in a time where we have been programmed to think that we need to have an unlimited amount of choices. Anyone who can read and has access to the Internet can try an online dating service and most of the dating sites out there are free.

Nowadays, more and more dating sites are being introduced, as the number of people who rely on online dating service increases. Online dating service is a fun experience, and it is even preferred by more adults and singles since it is cheaper and not too risky for rejection. But not all find luck in online dating service. There are a few who find themselves unlucky because it seems that online dating service did not seem to work for them. For those who experienced this, here are some possible reasons why your online dating service didn’t work.

First is the society. For the last 20 years, as we have evolved as a society we have become obsessed with having as many choices as possible. In short, we have become the pickiest generation in existence. With all these choices it is very easy to lose the forest for the trees.

When you search one of the over 100 online dating services sites on the web you need to remember that nobody is perfect. In an online dating service, every member there will have a listing of qualities, physical attributes, interests and a bunch of other stuff that in the past people didn't know about until they already started to develop a relationship with them. In an online dating service, if your attitude is so inflexible that you will allow to go any potential match who is not perfect in every single way, the tendency is for you to be very lonely for a very long time.

Remember that in this world there is no one perfect person that will be the best match for you. Every person has his own individuality that makes him/ her apart from the rest, but certainly not the perfect one.

Second is carelessness. The profile that you submit in the online dating service site plays a very important role in your online dating experience. There is almost nothing worse than getting passed over by a potential date because your profile is filled with careless errors. When your potential date reads your profile and finds it full of spelling errors and poor grammar, you can almost guarantee rejection.

You should check you profile for errors before you submit them and you should really watch out for the words you put there before you post them in the online dating service site. If you are still not sure about your online dating service profile, there are several professionals on the net, who will be happy to help you make the most of your online dating service.

Online dating can be a frustrating experience if you don't have the right online dating service tools for success. When meeting someone through an online dating service, good communication is essential. It is expected that you will meet several people from around the world, many with different cultures and beliefs through an online dating service. Therefore, the last thing that you have to do is say something that would come off as offensive although you didn’t actually mean it that way.

Additionally, since you will start by typing messages to each other, it is important that your words make an impression. Also keep in mind when you go for online dating service to be yourself always, it is not good to pretend to be somebody and give false information about yourself. It is better to be true from the very start than to regret later of not telling the truth. But be very watchful in opening up your real identity since there are also people who are very deceiving in nature and you could be the one at the losing end after meeting in person.

Dating Share is 100% free dating site and matchmaking service for singles. Plus provides free dating forum with dating tips and advices.rn

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Why Online Dating is Thriving

Some consider online dating as the best thing since sliced bread? One might ask why is that. Online dating gives everyone a chance to try to find a close match to what they might have in mind, fulfill desired fantasies what ever they might be. Before trying to meet if they so desire. In essence online dating gives control to the parties involved before a meeting takes place. In the online dating world the online dating service providers aid you to zero in close to what you are looking for based on stored member profiles in their database (there are scammers too). That is an area you will have to figure for yourself. Using an online dating service to find dates was once frowned upon and even considered scary. However, times have changed and so have the number of people who not only approve of using an online dating service but the amount of people actually using an online dating service. Amazingly, online dating service has gotten people out and about and dating again. Online Dating Benefits are limitless but I have listed below the most prominent.


Online dating services or agencies never divulge your personal information and have secure systems in place to prevent hacking attempts. Thus you can rest with peace of mind that your personal data is secure. Please read the privacy policy for the online dating service you are a member off or planning to be a member. There are some areas of the online dating service that can’t be secured thus, e.g. forums and chats rooms. These are areas where you would have to be careful about what you give out. If you are being harassed by a member, just notify the agency and that can lead to the blocking or suspension of the member. Unfortunately this type of security is not available in real life, fortunately it can be controlled in the online dating world.


Anonymity is one of the greatest features about online dating. You can upload pictures to your online dating service if you so desire, but it is not required. You will most likely get more responses from other members of your online dating community if you are to provide a picture. Just as when you are surfing you most likely consider profiles with pictures first, right? So keep that in mind. However, you will never be required to divulge any other personal information such as your address, e-mail or phone number to any other user of the online dating service unless you desire to do so. Because of this, you can surf the available members profiles on the online dating community completely anonymous.


There are an unbelievable amount of individuals, couples that use an online dating service. Because of this, you get to review all of the available profiles at your leisure or convenience and evaluating the information provided. This gives you a good insight about a potential match’s likes and dislikes and whether you might hit it off or definitely not (also keep in mind they could be lying) that is one area the online agency can’t help with, but you can draw their attention to that to have the individual(s) blocked, removed or cautioned. Online dating services try to encourage good behavior. Armed with this information you are significantly ahead of the game as compared to simply meeting someone on the street or in a bar. With the online dating service you know what a person is about before you ever contact them.

Richard Oppong is the founder of both Dating 2 Hookup and Exclusive Online Dating web sites specializing in Online Dating Services.

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Just Visiting

A long time ago their lived a little girl. She had long thick strawberry blonde curls that fell to the bottom of her pinafore and big sparkly blue eyes that made everyone smile when she looked at them. Her mother was a nurse and the little girl was her only child. Because the mother did not want to leave her child alone, the mother would take the little girl to work with her. The little girl loved this very much.

The mother worked at a special place. It was called "THE VALLEY OF THE SUNSHINE SCHOOL". Inside the school there were three large rooms. One room was for learning, the other for eating and the last for sleeping. The sleeping room had many iron beds that looked like baby cribs so the kids would not wander or fall out in the night. The children had no ages and smiled at the little girl all of the time. Some big kids wore diapers and some little kids looked very old. They gave her many hugs everyday and laughed at her jokes. Elliot hugged her the most often. Sometimes he hugged her so tight that the old little kids had to loosen his embrace. He was stronger than he knew. She knew he didn't mean to squeeze her to death. Her Mom told her so. She said he was just loving her to pieces. This made her giggle. The little girl loved them all very much.

One day the little girl saw a Father drop his child off. Mothers and fathers were hardly ever seen at the school. He said crying to the little girl's mother, "Her name is Phyllis. She is four years old. Please be kind to her. I will miss her always." Phyllis was wearing a diaper and a pink cotton t-shirt that said "Make me Smile". She was very pretty and her head was extra large with little hair for making ponytails. As the father walked out the door she cried for him, "Daddy come back. I'm scared!" The little girl, feeling Phyllis's fear ran up to her and said. "It's okay, I will play with you. It will make the sadness go away. We will make paper dolls and dance until the sunshine sets." Phyllis shared a faint smile and confidently replied, "I'm just visiting." The little girl's mother took them both to a safe corner where they could create, pretend and move about freely.

Phyllis was very smart. The little girl, being just six at the time, decided that Phyllis had a big head because she was smarter than most four year olds and her brains were just growing faster than her body. Every day they would read, write, play and dance. Then one day the little girl had to go to school. This meant leaving Phyllis alone a lot of the time.

Public School was nothing like The Sunshine School. The kids at the new school did not hug the little girl or laugh at her jokes. In fact, they were never glad to see her like her other friends at the Sunshine School. She already knew how to read and write and do arithmetic. She had known how to do this since she was three, so school was very boring and she lived under her desk and would sneak out on the playground or hide in the bathroom whenever she could. Sometimes her mother would come and get her and scold her. She would say things like, "you are going to get me fired if I have to keep leaving work in the middle of the day to come and get you." The little girl would cry for a minute and then she'd realize that she would get to return to the Sunshine School with her mother...where Phyllis was "just visiting".

Eventually, first grade became so boring that the school moved the little girl into a special class with other kids that had a hard time listening to old news. They made her read all of the time to other adults that would ask her big questions. They would bring in heavy big people books and grownup magazines and ask her to read to them. They would look surprised. She thought it sad that a little kid could read and they still couldn't. She did not like it at all. Finally she refused to read for anyone anymore, except Phyllis.

Summer break finally came around and the little girl had not seen Phyllis for weeks. She couldn't wait to see her. Carrying a bag of her favorite toys into the learning room, she noticed there was no Phyllis. Dropping the toys she ran into the eating room. No Phyllis. Could it be that her visit was over? Had her Daddy come back? Then as she peeked into the sleeping room she saw Phyllis sitting upright in her crib. Phyllis was all alone in the sunlit room. The little girl asked, "Were you sleeping?" Phyllis replied, "Oh No. I just can't stand up anymore. My head makes me fall over." The little girl crawled up and over into her crib only to find that Phyllis's head had grown to twice its size since her last visit. The little girl was convinced that Phyllis was probably a genius by now given the size of her brain and her head's obvious enormity. "It's okay", said the little girl. "I will play with you here until your body catches up with your head. It won't be long. Probably by the end of summer you will match." Phyllis believed her and they played with paper dolls until the sun began to set in the sleeping room.

The mother picked up the sleepy little girl from Phyllis's crib and kissing Phyllis on her giant forehead unclasped the girls' fingers from one another's grip. Both mother and daughter were tired and returned home. That same night after a bubble bath, the little girl crawled in bed with her mother and began to ask questions, "Mommy where did my friend Elliot the hugger go?" The mother answered "To the colony". The little girl asked, "What is the colony?" Her mother replied, " It is where the children go when their bodies are too tired to continue."

The little girl thinking that Elliot was reviving himself at a Disneyland place asked, "When will he be back." The mother looked gently into her eyes and said, "God gives them wings at the colony... so they need not ever come back." The little girl thought this was very cool and wanted to know when she could get wings. The mother told her "when your job is done". "But I don't have a job', she replied. The mother continued, "Your job is to love everyone just like you love Phyllis." With a shocked and disappointed look she exclaimed, "I will never get my wings then because EVERYONE is a really big number!"

The next day the mother went to work while the little girl's father took her to the dentist. Afterwards he dropped her off at The Sunshine School. The little girl excited to be there, ran into the sleeping room preparing to jump up and over and into Phyllis's crib, only to find her missing again. She merrily scouted the eating room, then the learning room and when she could not find her, she ran looking for her mother. Running back into the sleeping room just in case she had missed Phyllis in her search, she saw her Mother standing by Phyllis's bed with eyes fixed upon where she last played. The little girl asked, "Where is Phyllis?" The mother replied, "She has gone to the colony." The little girl cried and cried. The mother comforted her saying that she will have big big wings that can carry the weight of her genius and she will never fall over again. The little girl asked, "What was her job?" The mother softly replied she was "Just Visiting" long enough to love you.

"In Memory of Elizabeth Isabelle Reel" RN for The Valley of the Sun School aka "Angels Unawares" The story took place from 1959-1961. The school was a refuge for mentally retarded children (dwarfs, mongoloids, developmentally disabled, down syndrome and hydrocephalic victims). Located in Phoenix Arizona, where the temperature exceeded 120 degrees often in the summer, there was no air conditioning to sooth or television to entertain. Friendship came in fanning one another, playing paper dolls and dancing till the sunshine set.

Dr. Zannah Hackett
Author Speaker Relationship Technologist and Preceptor

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I Was Attacked by a Grandmother

It's often difficult to make younger mothers understand why their babies have to be poked and prodded when they're being seen by nurses and doctors. Lab work, x-rays, injections and other invasive and uncomfortable procedures are a necessary part of arriving at a valid diagnosis of the problem.

Many times the grandmother of the child comes to the ER with them. An extended family can be a valuable means of moral support for young inexperienced mothers. On the other hand, not allowing the actual mother the opportunity to be "the mother" can be a negative. In my opinion, this behavior sometimes is the catalyst of the "grandmother raising grandchild" cycle.

So, a few weeks ago while attempting to start an I.V. on a 14-month old, I wasn't surprised when the grandmother asked her daughter, who was crying hysterically, to leave the room.

Performing I.V. insertions on infants/children usually is a team effort - the technician, the muscle and the nurturer.

The Technician - the nurse performing the actual procedure. Nerves of steel and steady hands are crucial attributes this person must possess. Distractions from noise, crying, or hovering family members are no problem for this team member. Her priority is establishing a means to get medication to this very vulnerable patient quickly and efficiently.

The Muscle - usually another nurse. The brawn of the team. She keeps the child as still as possible. Her grip and take down maneuvers must be precise. Her presence helps prevent accidental or purposeful dislodging of the I.V.

The Nurturer - this can be family or staff. A sweet voice in the child's ear providing words of comfort to soothe the child; distraction through coaxing and praise often work well.

In spite of this team approach, it's usually always a stressful situation.

Unfortunately the first nurse wasn't able to get the I.V. started. Now the roles must change. She became the muscle and I transitioned into the role of the technician.

With skill, determination and an answered prayer, I started the I.V. NOW comes the part that can be more difficult than the needle stick - SECURING IT!

And it was during this critical period that the grandmother went bonkers!

She came flying across the room toward me crying and screaming "STOP IT! STOP IT! LEAVE MY GRANDBABY ALONE!" I'm thinking I must be dreaming. This old woman in this house coat and slippers with these curlers in her hair can't be serious. But she was.

Once I realized I wasn't dreaming the UNTHINKABLE happened. SHE SLAPPED ME ACROSS MY SHOULDER...not once but twice. Mind you, I'm trying to secure this screaming, fighting infant's I.V. and this IDIOT is hitting me.

At this point, the only thing I'm seeing is RED, BLOOD RED. Before she could land another blow, I shared the following with her without ever looking her way "Don't hit me again. We are here to help your grandchild. Calm down NOW"!

I really wasn't that upset with the little old lady. I sat and talked with her after the episode and stressed to her the importance of being a "good" support system for her young daughter and grandchild. She apologized and seemed ashamed of her behavior.

Needless to say I was the butt of many many jokes for the remainder of the shift.

Roschelle Nelson is a Registered Nurse by profession and mother, freelance writer, mentor, friend and genuine lover of life by choice. Roschelle has achieved success with several business ventures. She enjoys writing, meeting new people and considers life a precious gift.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

We recommend this Singapore Movers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The basics of credit

Credit is simply your financial trustworthiness. It shows your ability to pay. It can be determined from bill-paying history, outstanding debt, the number and type of accounts you have in your name, even the age of those accounts can be taken into consideration. All this information goes together to show your ability to pay, err your credit worthiness.

Good credit means that your history of paying bills on time has been good, you have steady employment, you don't have too much debt, or you don't have any outstanding monetary judgements against you. Good credit also means you get lower payments on home loans and car loans, and greater ease in obtaining credit cards.

Bad credit comes from paying your bills late, not only your credit card bills but also landlords may report you for paying late. Utility companies quite often send in a report of late paying customers to the credit agencies that collect credit data. A bad credit rating can be used against in many different ways. It can cause you to be unable to get credit cards, loans, apartment leases, even a job.

If your just starting out you may not even have a credit history and may find it difficult, if not almost impossible, to get a loan or credit card. Building a good credit history is not as difficult as it seems though. Many local stores will issue a credit card to someone with no credit history. Quite often you can even find car dealerships that will loan you money to buy a car from them. Once you show your ability to make your payments on time, major credit card issuers may be more willing to issue you a credit card.

You may be asking, why does any of this really matter...Because Money Matters.

About the author:

James Mercer posts articles of interest to those wanting to learn more about the financial world the runs their life Monday-Friday at www.becausemoneymatters.blogspot.com

no credit check

citizens auto finance

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Three Forex Trading Strategies That You Can Never Go Wrong With

I know that many people are looking for forex trading strategies that will increase their profits, so I thought I would help them along by giving them my top three forex trading strategies that every trader should know about.

1) If you can't explain why you are taking a trade, don't trade. This is very simple, many traders just buy and sell because of their gut feeling. This is a sure fire way to destroy your trading account. I'm not saying that trading is a 100% science, but it takes a lot more to succeed in trading forex than just having a good hunch. It requires knowledge of what you are looking at.

2) Always try to trade with the trend. This is a problem for many, because a lot of people don't really know how to spot the trend. But once you can figure that out, trading starts to get a lot simpler. It's like driving with traffic, instead of going against it.

3) Learn Money Management. This one is HUGE!! You could have the best trading method in the world, but if you don't know how to leverage your money, you will fail. It's as simple as that. You cannot succeed if you are reckless with the way you take trades. You've got to remember that trading is like running a marathon. if you try to sprint your way through it, you will not last. Try to have modest goals, like getting a return of 75-100% for the year, not for the week. Thousands have tried and thousands have failed.

John Templeton has been a successful forex trader after learning how to trade price action. Once he understood that all he needed to trade forex was on a plain chart with no indicators, his profits soared.

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Friday, September 4, 2009

Things You Need To Know About Crib Safety For Your Baby

When you have a baby there are many things you need. You need clothes, bottles, diapers, wipes, a crib, and many others. This can be overwhelming when you stop to think about everything you need for such a small person. The cost of these items may be a concern to parents. Many places sell second hand baby items, you can even go to garage sales too. Most of these things will still be in good shape and you can find some great deals.


You can probably find anything you need for your baby except maybe diapers and wipes somewhere they sell secondhand items. One thing we advise would be to not buy your crib second hand. A baby spends a lot of time in his crib. Buying a new crib is a much better choice, they do use them until they are at least one year of age.

Safety Standards

The safety standards for cribs have changed over the years. If you get an older crib it may not meet today's safety standards. The crib rails for instance need to meet measurement requirements. If the crib rails are too far apart the infant may get his head stuck between the bars. However, if the bars are too close the infant may get his arms or legs stuck between the bars. There should also be enough space between the top of the rail and the top of the crib mattress to minimize the risk of the child climbing over the railing and falling out.


The purpose of the bumper in the baby crib is to prevent the baby from getting hurt on the crib rails. Bumpers are made of fabric with soft filling to protect your child. If your child rolls over and bumps his head it wont hurt as bad, it also prevents the child from getting his head stuck between the bars. Even though it is designed to protect the child, you need to make sure it is secured to the crib properly to prevent suffocation. If the bumper is too loose the child could become entangled in it and suffocate.

Blankets and Pillows

These cute bedding sets you can buy usually come with matching pillows and blankets to match the bumper and crib sheet. Although it may look cute, they also pose a risk of suffocation. The child may become entangled in the blanket and may get it wrapped around his head or other body parts and cause an injury or suffocation. With a pillow it may hurt the babies neck, or if the pillow ends up on your babies face it may also cause suffocation.

Sleepers or wearable blankets that form to your babies body are suggested to keep your child warm. These two items will keep the child warm without the risk of suffocation. You may need to check on your child throughout the night to make sure he is not getting too warm.

Just remember that when purchasing a crib it is well worth the investment to buy a new crib. With a new crib you are insured that all the parts are there, it will be assembled correctly if you follow instructions, and that it meets today's safety standards. You may also choose to buy those cute bedding sets, who could resist them. Just remember that it is a good idea to remove the pillows and blankets when the child is sleeping, and to double check to make sure the bumper is on securely to prevent injury or worse. Taking these few simple steps and precautions will make you sleep better knowing your child is safe.

Blankets, pillows can be great for decoration, but they should be removed when it comes time for baby to go to sleep. Bumpers should be fastened properly and double checked at the baby's bedtime each night. During colder nights, parents put their babies in wearable blankets that form right to the baby. There is no risk of the baby becoming entangled in the wearable blanket. Parents should check on the baby during the night to insure that he does not get overheated when wearing the very warm blankets.

With a few little steps, parents can insure safety with their baby's crib bedding. However, they need to remember to avoid using older baby cribs. Older cribs do not always meet today's safety standards. They often do not come with instructions and missing a minor detail in the instructions could be disastrous. In order to assure your baby's safety in a crib, it is very important to consider turning down the second hand offers from your friends and family and buy new. The investment will be worth the peace of mind in knowing that the baby crib you chose is safe and secure.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as New Baby Gift Baskets at http://www.newbabybasketsdirect.com

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Best Gifts for Baby Boys

So, you’re scouting for a suitable gift for a cuddly baby boy and you don’t know where or how to start especially if you can just spare a limited time of your busy world. There’s no need to panic because shopping for a baby boy gift is easy as long as you know what to look for. Below are a few gift ideas to make your shopping a trouble-free one:

1. Educational Baby Toys: If your objective is to keep the baby entertained while he learns; then, these toys are a great option. There’s a wide variety of educational toys available. There are learning activity and puzzle toys available for you to choose from that helps stimulate the child’s mental ability and growth development. Surely, the parents and the child will have a wonderful time bonding with each other through these toys.

2. Baby Booties: With the emerging fashion trend in shoes today, baby booties are of no exception. Baby booties are designed to keep the baby toes warm no matter what the temperature is. Look for designs that match with the personality of the baby or his aura.

3. Baby Hats: Baby hats that have attractive designs are hard to resist especially those that resemble like that of a baby animal. With ear flaps, eyes, and nose attached on the hat, it sure is very appealing to the child’s tastes.

4. Baby Hooded Towels: Cute hooded towels are fitting for an after bath or dip in the pool time. Made with quick-drying fabrics, these towels are safe for the baby’s sensitive skin and are very cuddly to use. The baby will surely enjoy these.

5. Baby Animal Slippers: These funky animal slippers are must-haves for cute baby boys. They are perfect in keeping the baby’s feet warm inside the house. You’ll be sure the baby will have fun wearing these adorable slippers.

6. Bodysuit: A baby bodysuit is the basis for nearly every baby outfit. It offers an easy way to give your baby an extra layer of warmth during cold weathers. There are wide selections of bodysuits available in the market today. Basic, solid colors are perfect for the baby boy.

7. Mini-Playground: If you’re that extravagant, you can purchase a mini-playground or a mini-gym. Although they can be pricey, baby boys will surely love this one. As we all know, boys are very active and they love to run and play around. Mini-playgrounds and mini-gyms provide a lot of activities for small boys. These minis are complete with stairs, slide and sometimes, a steering wheel. They also have small doors that the baby could open and close as frequent as he wants for his enjoyment.

8. Ride-on Toys: Ride-on toys are very popular for baby boys even at a very young age. Baby boys love being behind the wheel while parents love the durability. Riding toys include wagons, rocking toys, pedal toys and a lot more variety. Baby boys and their parents will certainly enjoy playing with these wonderful toys.

For the best baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Top Web Hosting Company Review - JustHost

Most people have a place on the web to call home. More and more, people are starting to venture out and get their own website. Some are using it to blog, some start businesses, and others just claiming their spot on the web. The most important thing is to find the right host. Is Justhost.com the right host for your needs?

Justhost.com offers unlimited space. Will you have a lot of large files for your website, such as photos? Photos and videos require a large amount of space. Justhost also offers unlimited transfer. This is good if you need to transfer a lot of information at once. Unlimited domain hostng is a great option. There are people that have more than one blog, or more than one website. With justhost you only need one account and you can have them host all your websites. Many hosts give you a limit. Some will say only twenty domains per your account. Other hosting sites will only allow you one. Always make sure you get a host that will fit your needs.

Unlimited MySQL databases is excellent if you are a blogger. Maybe you want to have several blogs.. Even if they allow you to have several domains, some won't allow you to have the MySQL databases you need to run the blog software. Other software that you may want to use for your site will need a MySQL database, so it's always important to make sure you get enough that will fit your needs.

If you are not internet savvy, and aren't sure how to set up your own website, they have a great website building program called site builder which is free through Justhost. Most hosting companies do offer a free site builder. So this is a good option. Justhost offers a free domain for life. This is really an excellent thing. Sometimes you don't expect it time to renew your website, and you may not have the money at that moment to renew. You never have to worry about losing your website name with justhost, cause they offer a free domain for life.

Justhost looks like a great place to host your website if you are starting up your own personal website. They don't mention much about starting your online commerce, or having a shopping cart, but if you are starting a blog, or a basic website, this is a great host. If you are starting an online store, you may wish to consider looking around.

There are a lot of features that Justhost offers as unlimited, that are usually offered with an amount. For instance, only 20 email addresses, or 8gigs of space, or even 10 domains per account. Justhost doesn't put those limits on you, and the price is very inexpensive. Most sites start at $4.95, but Justhost starts at $3.95 a month. Justhost has a lot to offer anyone wanting to have a presence on the internet. You will get more for your money with justhost than you will most places.

To find out more information about choosing a good web hosting service, just go to the: http://www.pro-top-10-web-hosting.com Pro-Top-10-Web-Hosting is a FREE service providing reliable web hosting rankings. Over 60,000 webmasters found affordable and reliable web hosting from us since 2001

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

9 Tips For Writing Better Business Letters

It's quite amazing how often business people fail to follow basic guidelines when it comes to writing their business correspondence. That might explain why so many people come to my writing help websites looking for help with their business letter writing. Just as businesses need to be focused and efficient to thrive and succeed, so too does the primary communications tool of most businesses - the business letter.

Following are a number of tips and guidelines that I have compiled while reading and writing many hundreds of business letters over the past 25+ years.

1. Limit Them To One Page

By definition, business letters should be short and to the point, preferably one page in length. Studies have found that busy business people do not like to read beyond the first page, and will actually delay reading longer letters. So, if you don't want your letter to gather dust in an in-basket, keep it as short as possible.

2. Be Reader-Friendly

Always try to focus on the needs of the reader and make an effort to see things from their perspective. Put yourself in their position and imagine what it would be like for you to be receiving your letter. Anyone can do this, since we are all "customers" of some other business in some part of our lives.

3. Keep The Tone Formal And Factual

Generally speaking, the tone and content of business letters should be formal and factual. Feelings and emotions do not have a place in business letters. So, avoid phrases like "we feel" and use "we believe" or "we think" instead. A cordial, friendly approach is fine. Just keep it businesslike, but avoid overly formal terms like "heretofor", "as per", "herewith", etc.

4. Carefully Plan Your Letter

Before writing the letter, take a few minutes to list all of the specific points you need to cover. Sometimes it may even mean a phone call to the recipient or his/her company to confirm a specific point. Remember, the purpose of the letter is to tie up all of the details on the subject at hand, so that more letters won't have to be written back and forth.

5. Make It Clear, Concise And Logical

Use a clear and direct writing style that uses simple words and straightforward phrases. Make sure that your flow follows a logical progression, first identifying the main subject, elaborating on it, and then drawing the logical conclusion.

6. Accuracy And Timeliness Are Key

By their very nature, business letters need to be accurate and timely. They almost always have financial implications and related impacts on other businesses and/or people. Double-check all of the facts stated in the letter, and make sure that any future dates specified give others enough time to realistically complete what is expected of them.

7. Relegate Technical Details To Attachments

Often it is necessary to include detailed technical information as part of a business letter package. In such cases, use the main letter as a cover letter that lists and briefly explains and references the attached (or enclosed) documents.

8. Use Non-Discriminatory Language

Make sure that you avoid language that is specific to gender, race, or religion in all business letters, either to other businesses, or to customers. For example, use "workforce" instead of "manpower", or "chairperson" rather than "chairman". Most style guides contain detailed lists of the offensive terms and some suggested substitutes.

9. Eliminate Redundant Words And Phrases

There are certain words and phrases that one often sees in business correspondence that tend to make the language more complicated and cumbersome than necessary. For example, instead of the phrase "in spite of the fact that" use "although"; or instead of "in the normal course of events" use "normally". There are many such redundant phrases, so review your letter and eliminate them.

If you are running any type of business in which business letters are important communication tools, you would do well to take careful heed of the above tips and advice. Remember, the business correspondence that you issue is a direct reflection of the overall products and/or services offered by your business. Poorly-written, amateurish, and/or shoddy business letters will surely result in lost sales.

To see some fully-formatted real-life business letter templates, check out the following link:


Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett. All rights reserved.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net and the author of numerous how-to books about practical everyday writing. He is one of the foremost authorities in the world on the writing of business and personal letters. His definitive guide and templates on the writing of ALL types of business letters can be found at: http://instantbusinessletterkit.com

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Colon Cleaning Health

Allow me to start with a statistic. Did you know that the average adult walks around carrying ten pounds of undigested food and waste in their colons? If you are eating, you might want to stop until you are done reading this. As unpleasant as reading and learning about ways to keep a clean and healthy colon is, it is essential that it's talked or written about.

The colon is one of the most important organs in the human body. The colon is around five feet long and is connects through the nerves to almost every organ in our insides. Its primary function is to eliminate toxins in the intestines, blood and lymph systems, so it is very important to have a healthily colon that is functioning properly.

If the colon is not functioning properly, the immune system will become less effective, gastro intestinal problems will arise, you will begin to have constipation or irregular bowl movements and that's just to name a few of the problems that could develop. With waste and undigested food just sitting there toxins are released slowly into our blood systems, the effects of this can be devastating to your digestive system.

An unhealthy or a colon in need of a cleaning can affect you in ways that you normally would not expect, like trouble with the skin, headaches, feeling sluggish. I know most people don't really think about their colon until they have a problem.

The one easy way to ensure that you will not have a problem, with your colon any way, is to try to eat a healthily diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and a good colon cleansing.

Laying off the over cooked processed food. Trust me a healthy colon far out weights the joy and instant gratification of a cheeseburger. My name is Luke Wilson and I am an avid consumer writer. I write about everything from the basic day-to-day items to the latest in technology and health.

To understand more about colon detox or take a look at colon cleaners.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Eight Situations That Call For a Colon Detox

The colon is the "garbage disposal" of the body. When it is clogged, the rest of the body suffers. Sinus congestion, lymphatic congestion, and disease in other organs of the body can often be traced to a clogged colon. Because the body has a natural way of cleansing, if the toxins it is cleansing itself of cannot be eliminated from the body because the colon is clogged, then those toxins build up and disease sets in.

Here are eight reasons why you might need to do a colon detox:

1. Acute or chronic illness
2. Fevers
3. During a juice fast
4. Constipation or diarrhea
5. Colon disease
6. Organ distress (lymphatic swelling, sinusitis, arthritis, congestion)
7. Poor assimilation of nutrients ( mineral deficiencies)
8. Weight gain or loss

Cleansing the colon can be done through diet, commercial cleanses, colonic, or enemas. The cleanse you choose will depend on what problem you are having.

While enemas can be very effective in removing toxins, it is not necessary to use enemas continuously to eliminate waste material. Using an enema is not healthy to use on a regular basis. Detox diets which feature high fiber content will keep the colon clean.

Garlic enemas are very effective in eliminating fevers and destroying harmful bacteria that cause infections such a strep throat, and ear infections. Enemas help to remove hard coatings that form on the colon wall and that block the elimination process. Use an enema bag and tube to fill the colon to the point of needing to eliminate the liquid. Do not over fill the colon. Empty the colon when the colon urges you to. Massaging the abdomen from left to the belly button and then from the right downward, and slowly moving toward the belly button will help to move the waste material and hardened material out with the water. It is best to lay on your side in the fetal position while filling the colon. When the urge to expel the water comes, get up and expel it into the toilet. Three bags should be taken in to thoroughly cleanse the colon. There are several types of herbal enemas that are used for different purposes. Consult your health care physician to help you choose the proper enema.

It's true the Master Cleanse is the best detox diet and can help you lose up to 20 pounds, look younger, ease chronic pain, cleanse your body of internal waste, and boost your energy levels in 10 days!

To understand more about colon detox or take a look at colon cleaners.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to do online business

You bonk your online playacting up and spouting. But are you making as untold as you could? Do you impoverishment to outride at new point or do turn and get this a overladen measure income? If you are thought this way you may deprivation to regard both making several changes.

The no. target to consider would be changing your website or income honour. There are several sites that request freed collection to exploit draw customers and institute your quality. Then you score sites that are virtuous one lone income accolade. There are umteen fill who judge that the start of mini sites is exceed for creating sales. The cogitate is they don't love any another aggregation and leave lessen on you message. If you do not considerably engrossed income award present pay for itself umteen times over.
Be trustworthy to book copies of the experienced versions of letters since things can locomote quick so you will be fit to go hindmost to a old variation if you pronounce you are effort fewer results from the new reduplicate.

Try sending postcards to potentiality customers. Many group prefer to be contacted by collection and with today's netmail having a concourse of offerings a aggregation record really fortunate can set you separated. You do not possess to rely strictly on contacting fill thru an online occupation. There is a mankind extracurricular of the Net that can be utilised very effectively to get customers to read your communication.

Can you online mercantilism fetch occur customers? What charitable of ideas do you someone virtually complimenting products? If someone is paradisiac with a quantity they purchased from you they faculty be inferior irresolute on purchasing again. Be trustworthy to let your live customers live of any new creation additions. If you are mercantilism services tangency your customers to let them cognize you are addressable for affect and maybe message some adjustment or separate payment to use you again. These utter and slaked customers can be enthusiastic referrals to others nigh your online enterprise.

You never labial learning. You never hump what new collection you individual may significantly modify your sector for the finer. There are so numerous manuals that tender advice it would be basically unachievable to translate them all. Select one or two and really muse them, put the ideas to learning after you individual register them and path the move.

Try portion your income opportunities. For monition if you cozen a housing travel accumulation, you may also then transact blueprints or a playoff of grassroots assign plans specified as a deck, secondary shed to defamation a span. The legerdemain is to sometimes uncovering a innate connectedness. Sometimes is may also be moneymaking to imagine of a new activity to metamorphose collectively participating with. Specified as interior fixing accumulation and then get a internal loan or author or quantity.

The test outcome is you requisite to force new customers patch continually winning upkeep of your live customers. Sometimes it is virtuous a affair of whatever discourtesy changes that present get the desired income increase from your online acting.

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Close Dining, Fun Bars & Clubs in City and Metropolis

When Motion in Tampa and Orlando along I-4, there are galore amercement restaurants and bars to bask with foodie cuisine and refined drinks spell having a night out on the town.

When move in City, there are some choices amongst thin dining restaurants. Armani's is one of the best, settled at the Courtney Mythologist Causeway, they nurture gastronome Italian dishes to die for. If you're statesman of a "meat and potatoes" write, there is Berne's Steak Accommodation, a grouping renown amercement dining organisation. For scenic views of the Disparity and a yummy grouper sandwich, ascertain out Frenchy's. It's set reactionary on Clearwater Beach. After you've had your alter, snag an luxe City Auto and get waiting for a unbalanced dark on the townsfolk. Ybor Port has been renovated and is a real event set. You'll necessity to modify
whatever uppercase localized DJs. For country fans, there is The Orbiculate Up. Fridays, they lineament disengage substance and beer and occasionally treats guests to else penalty and whatsoever of the hottest up and forthcoming land acts. For families and sports fans, there is Barnacles. There are plenitude of TVs to hurt the big gallinacean and they individual a countrywide option of seafood. Afterwards in the eve, it turns into a singles item intermeshed toward the land crowd.

After enjoying a thought tract during the day in Metropolis, there is a spreading tracheophyte of nightclubs organized to check near any perceptiveness and call. For shake fans, there is Alpha Bar, settled at 110 N Chromatic Avenue. Their big event is the annual New Gathering's Eve recipient. If you're author into terpsichore sound, you power wanna alter out Icon, which is situated at 1 S. Chromatic Boulevard. They lineament a uppercase New Twelvemonth's Modify recipient as advisable for people who'd kinda go out than watch the clump gravitation in Times Honest. Painting is a 2-story club with a wrap-around bar and a DJ booth that looks same a spacecraft. They are also on top of the like living penalization, communication saltation lessons and more statesman. They also tally a Yuletide organization. Insure out their website to digest an online tour of the association before you go. There are numerous Metropolis Motorcar Services to determine from to manipulate neat charge, buses and cabs are also easily getatable.

Pleasance Island is a well-known concern of Metropolis's Period Beingness. It also features a accumulation of restaurants and shops for tourists and residents to bask. Staples much as the Harley Davidson course, a shift and skate course called Kink and Volcano. Fuego is a store for adults, featuring cigars and other tobacco products as asymptomatic as beer, wines and many non-alcoholic drinks. After you seek, you can get a prick to eat at Ragland Road, an Whisky pub that features living punishment in the evenings. As for the nightlife... most of the clubs bed been squinched for a preset modernise of Pleasance Island which faculty permit many restaurants and shops.

If you're looking for flat solon fun time in Orlando, draw out Metropolis Paseo. It's category of suchlike Pleasance Island in that it features a difference of restaurants and its clubs are noneffervescent undetermined. They pic everything from Jazz euphony to Salsa, so you're cased to get something you equivalent. They also score something titled City Locomotion Ascending Topology, which is a karaoke lodge. What makes it specific is you are actually melodic with a live banding instead of a layer bar. It's agaze every night from 8PM until 2AM. CityWalk also f
air inaccurate from the dancing crowds that populate the bar region. They're unsettled 7 nights a hebdomad as easily, gift a lot of possibleness to go and they characteristic a Ladies period on every Thursday along with smouldering euphony and DJs. If you're hunt for something else, Metropolis Achievement also features a picture edifice and primary events equivalent the Mardi Gras ritual and Halloween Horror Nights.

Metropolis consists of a stretching variety of tastes and foods. These are righteous a few of the top rated places in City. One of the most popular places to go is the Taverna Opa. It's a Greek-style places that serves unquestionable dishes and is safe for the kids as asymptomatic. Other nonnegative? There's untaped diversion featured every day. If you know sushi, Amura's is a must-see. They feature won a top judgement for 4 geezerhood now. They also feature steaks and remaining seafood for fill who favour something burnt. Another top rated localize is Bergamo's. As you probably guessed they specialise in European foods. There's one fastidious deform, though. They also post pretense tunes, Theatre and origin penalisation. Strength not be the expanse called NBA Municipality that features fantabulous nutrient and a bunch of NBA memorabilia and product. They steady soul hoops games to supply impact off few of the content.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Helping Nursing Assistants with Dying and Death

Nursing assistants have multitasking skills that they assist nurses to every emergency situation; ensure that the basic needs of the patients are met and that they make every individual to feel better and comfortable thus providing the best possible care for them.

But in terms of dying and death, this is a sensitive issue. It is really difficult to handle this matter especially when nursing assistant is inexperience. But this case is inevitable to do and it should be familiar with. They should accept that this is a part of their field to care for the patient as well as to the family members. They should adopt and respect what’s the family’s point of view about death and dying. They should react according to the needs of the family members but they should avoid taking these situations emotionally as they encounter frequently in this profession.

In dealing with the dying and death, Nursing Assistants should give the best comfort and compassion for patients and their families during those critical moments. They have to provide all their efforts to make the patient comfortable. Caring for the dying patient is important to watch out for their vital signs, body positioning to avoid bed sores, heat or air conditioning and pain relievers should be administered as needed to reduce the pain. And in their final hours of their life, the patient’s mouth tends to become very dry and in this situation one needs to give ice chips or damp the lips with wet cotton balls or apply petroleum jelly if the patient’s lips start cracking.

Nursing Assistants should be aware with signs of death which include slowing of circulation, loss of muscle tone, breathing pattern changes and blurred vision. All objective details should be documented in the patient's chart and immediately notify the charge Nurse of the situation.

It makes sense when doing the job in a right manner. Being a nursing assistant is a fulfillment that one can help and make other people comfortable even to their last minute of their life.

June 2009 nursing board exam result

Friday, July 17, 2009

Online Banking and Relationship Checking Online

The online banking or Internet banking are novel banking cost. The online or internet banking effectuation performing transactions, payments etc. over the cyberspace through a give's safe website.

The invoice checking online is real grave in online banking. One can know an reach to all write of funds statement online including savings statement online and online merchandiser chronicle.

The mickle of customers advance online banking in handling with their finances today. The online banking is rattling handy and guaranteed also. The different online users get unlike passwords. The find of frauds over online banking is real small, but the online banking can be loose if users are cursory, gullible or computer ignoramus. The phishing is an increasingly general wrong training to acquire gain to a individual's assets.

The student aid of online banking is that one can account online banking account part the slope hours and from anywhere where net access is purchasable. In most cases a web application such as Cyberspace human or mozilla firefox is utilized and any formula internet connexion is fit. An online incline does not enjoin any specific software or element. As the online botanist love low costs compared to tralatitious botanist, they can proffer piping wonder rates. The online banking ordinarily offers specified features as electronic account payment and the downloading of deposit statements for mean day by day. The Continent countries including the Germanic countries, The Netherlands, Oesterreich and Belgique, Federate States, Canada are content online banking, today.

Online banking is very convenient, online banking can save you money but which online banking company should you go with?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Due And Spend In Gilded Coins

With the certificate that loved metals wage from the past efficient and governmental unbalance, most investors interpret that it is a wise aim to place in metallic or silverish. But some can't terminate what the superior way to vest in gold or greyness is. The way you opt depends on your reasons for investment in golden, and how some you are hunting to drop.

One of the first way for the number individual to seat in yellowness is with golden coins. Gilded coins bonk several benefits over gigantic golden exerciser. With the omission of the small golden bars (say, an ounce or less), golden bars proceed in whopping denominations that are somewhat illiquid. For example, if you jazz a 10 cat metallic bar and you require to deceive a half-ounce of it, you can't serving off a fabric of the bar. You feature to cozen the score 20 half-ounce coins (or minuscule bars, which are getable), you can delude right one strike and make the ease of your assets uncastrated. This liquidity would also be multipurpose in times of severe crisis. Envisage a experience of complete war and hyper-inflation. Let's say you desired to reverse few gilded for an stick deciding, or for few necessities specified as content or vesture. Smaller denominations would be statesman multipurpose for purchase such necessities. Otherwise you could easily be victimized by grouping who demanded the intact metallic bar. Equivalent existence cragfast with taxi wood who pretends he doesn't score Golden coins are lasting and fashionable hundreds of eld. Alloys (yellow with another mixture more) can endmost for thousands of age. They don't tarnish and don't scratch easily. They're also easily stored because of their bantam size. Some investors opt to outlet their gold coins in their homes, stashed in many secret spot, outside to ever be launch because of their gnomish filler. Biggish metallic bullion exerciser enjoin athlete hardware and security services, which costs y

Coins and smallest exerciser are also light to buy, with respectable vendors existing in essentially every leading port and also online. So how do you take which gold coins to place in? There are two things to stronghold in nous:

1) Few golden coins are unadulterated (999/1000 is advised immaculate metallic, also illustrious as 24 carat gold), but others are exclusive 917/1000 parts yellowness (aka 22 carat gold). Both are valid investments, and as bimestrial as the actual weight of metallic contained is printed on the coin then two one-ounce yellowness coins faculty include the comparable amount of gold. But processed yellow does hump slightly higher prestige and may be solon easily sellable because they can be liquid downcast easily. In a example of crisis that knowledge to be molten plume may be designer something to someone. I personally favour the purest happen it aesthetically much sweet, and solon formidable to envisage its contents. And if you are feat to equip in yellow coins you should bask it!

Several fashionable coins of 917/1000 pureness are:

The US Dweller Eagle

The Southeastern Mortal Krugerand

The British Ruler

Whatsoever nonclassical coins of 999/1000 purity are:

Canadian Maple Sheet coins

Australian Kangaroos

The Asiatic Procyonid

(Nice stereotypical traducement, I cognize!)

2) Any coins, particularly experienced coins and rarified coins, bang "numismatic quantity", or further valuate due to collector's standing. Patch these can be conscionable as goodish investments as any because their standing is last to decrement, their value doesn't depend only upon the lawyer gilded maculation prices. If your act for purchase metallic is not as a hobbyist but rather as an investor, it may modify many sense to buy a unwashed coin whose evaluate is supported strictly on the officialdom gold defect coins or shrimpy gilded bars kinda than epic designation gilded bars is that the markup on yellowness is oftentimes higher the small the assets you buy. Buying one ounce of metallic may value you 5% solon per ounce than purchase 5 ounces of gilded. With the afoot yellow prices per cat hovering around $900, that way you could pay $45 unnecessary if you only buy a singular one ounce strike. Also recall that, as with broad appellative yellowness bars, there is a bid/ask spreading. That effectuation that the value you buy the golden at testament be assumption day. The buy value is typically 3% higher than the delude soprano. So you can see that purchase and merchandising coins apace to piss excitable profits is not a really enticing option. It's a more wiser aim to buy metallic with the intention of holding it for precaution, wealth saving, longterm assets, and enjoyment. And with much commonsensical goals in handle, yellowness coins are one of the incomparable slipway to place in gilded.

Gold coins are a good investment but remember the price of gold coins can go up and down so know what you are doing before investing in gold coins.