Monday, September 28, 2009

Just Visiting

A long time ago their lived a little girl. She had long thick strawberry blonde curls that fell to the bottom of her pinafore and big sparkly blue eyes that made everyone smile when she looked at them. Her mother was a nurse and the little girl was her only child. Because the mother did not want to leave her child alone, the mother would take the little girl to work with her. The little girl loved this very much.

The mother worked at a special place. It was called "THE VALLEY OF THE SUNSHINE SCHOOL". Inside the school there were three large rooms. One room was for learning, the other for eating and the last for sleeping. The sleeping room had many iron beds that looked like baby cribs so the kids would not wander or fall out in the night. The children had no ages and smiled at the little girl all of the time. Some big kids wore diapers and some little kids looked very old. They gave her many hugs everyday and laughed at her jokes. Elliot hugged her the most often. Sometimes he hugged her so tight that the old little kids had to loosen his embrace. He was stronger than he knew. She knew he didn't mean to squeeze her to death. Her Mom told her so. She said he was just loving her to pieces. This made her giggle. The little girl loved them all very much.

One day the little girl saw a Father drop his child off. Mothers and fathers were hardly ever seen at the school. He said crying to the little girl's mother, "Her name is Phyllis. She is four years old. Please be kind to her. I will miss her always." Phyllis was wearing a diaper and a pink cotton t-shirt that said "Make me Smile". She was very pretty and her head was extra large with little hair for making ponytails. As the father walked out the door she cried for him, "Daddy come back. I'm scared!" The little girl, feeling Phyllis's fear ran up to her and said. "It's okay, I will play with you. It will make the sadness go away. We will make paper dolls and dance until the sunshine sets." Phyllis shared a faint smile and confidently replied, "I'm just visiting." The little girl's mother took them both to a safe corner where they could create, pretend and move about freely.

Phyllis was very smart. The little girl, being just six at the time, decided that Phyllis had a big head because she was smarter than most four year olds and her brains were just growing faster than her body. Every day they would read, write, play and dance. Then one day the little girl had to go to school. This meant leaving Phyllis alone a lot of the time.

Public School was nothing like The Sunshine School. The kids at the new school did not hug the little girl or laugh at her jokes. In fact, they were never glad to see her like her other friends at the Sunshine School. She already knew how to read and write and do arithmetic. She had known how to do this since she was three, so school was very boring and she lived under her desk and would sneak out on the playground or hide in the bathroom whenever she could. Sometimes her mother would come and get her and scold her. She would say things like, "you are going to get me fired if I have to keep leaving work in the middle of the day to come and get you." The little girl would cry for a minute and then she'd realize that she would get to return to the Sunshine School with her mother...where Phyllis was "just visiting".

Eventually, first grade became so boring that the school moved the little girl into a special class with other kids that had a hard time listening to old news. They made her read all of the time to other adults that would ask her big questions. They would bring in heavy big people books and grownup magazines and ask her to read to them. They would look surprised. She thought it sad that a little kid could read and they still couldn't. She did not like it at all. Finally she refused to read for anyone anymore, except Phyllis.

Summer break finally came around and the little girl had not seen Phyllis for weeks. She couldn't wait to see her. Carrying a bag of her favorite toys into the learning room, she noticed there was no Phyllis. Dropping the toys she ran into the eating room. No Phyllis. Could it be that her visit was over? Had her Daddy come back? Then as she peeked into the sleeping room she saw Phyllis sitting upright in her crib. Phyllis was all alone in the sunlit room. The little girl asked, "Were you sleeping?" Phyllis replied, "Oh No. I just can't stand up anymore. My head makes me fall over." The little girl crawled up and over into her crib only to find that Phyllis's head had grown to twice its size since her last visit. The little girl was convinced that Phyllis was probably a genius by now given the size of her brain and her head's obvious enormity. "It's okay", said the little girl. "I will play with you here until your body catches up with your head. It won't be long. Probably by the end of summer you will match." Phyllis believed her and they played with paper dolls until the sun began to set in the sleeping room.

The mother picked up the sleepy little girl from Phyllis's crib and kissing Phyllis on her giant forehead unclasped the girls' fingers from one another's grip. Both mother and daughter were tired and returned home. That same night after a bubble bath, the little girl crawled in bed with her mother and began to ask questions, "Mommy where did my friend Elliot the hugger go?" The mother answered "To the colony". The little girl asked, "What is the colony?" Her mother replied, " It is where the children go when their bodies are too tired to continue."

The little girl thinking that Elliot was reviving himself at a Disneyland place asked, "When will he be back." The mother looked gently into her eyes and said, "God gives them wings at the colony... so they need not ever come back." The little girl thought this was very cool and wanted to know when she could get wings. The mother told her "when your job is done". "But I don't have a job', she replied. The mother continued, "Your job is to love everyone just like you love Phyllis." With a shocked and disappointed look she exclaimed, "I will never get my wings then because EVERYONE is a really big number!"

The next day the mother went to work while the little girl's father took her to the dentist. Afterwards he dropped her off at The Sunshine School. The little girl excited to be there, ran into the sleeping room preparing to jump up and over and into Phyllis's crib, only to find her missing again. She merrily scouted the eating room, then the learning room and when she could not find her, she ran looking for her mother. Running back into the sleeping room just in case she had missed Phyllis in her search, she saw her Mother standing by Phyllis's bed with eyes fixed upon where she last played. The little girl asked, "Where is Phyllis?" The mother replied, "She has gone to the colony." The little girl cried and cried. The mother comforted her saying that she will have big big wings that can carry the weight of her genius and she will never fall over again. The little girl asked, "What was her job?" The mother softly replied she was "Just Visiting" long enough to love you.

"In Memory of Elizabeth Isabelle Reel" RN for The Valley of the Sun School aka "Angels Unawares" The story took place from 1959-1961. The school was a refuge for mentally retarded children (dwarfs, mongoloids, developmentally disabled, down syndrome and hydrocephalic victims). Located in Phoenix Arizona, where the temperature exceeded 120 degrees often in the summer, there was no air conditioning to sooth or television to entertain. Friendship came in fanning one another, playing paper dolls and dancing till the sunshine set.

Dr. Zannah Hackett
Author Speaker Relationship Technologist and Preceptor

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I Was Attacked by a Grandmother

It's often difficult to make younger mothers understand why their babies have to be poked and prodded when they're being seen by nurses and doctors. Lab work, x-rays, injections and other invasive and uncomfortable procedures are a necessary part of arriving at a valid diagnosis of the problem.

Many times the grandmother of the child comes to the ER with them. An extended family can be a valuable means of moral support for young inexperienced mothers. On the other hand, not allowing the actual mother the opportunity to be "the mother" can be a negative. In my opinion, this behavior sometimes is the catalyst of the "grandmother raising grandchild" cycle.

So, a few weeks ago while attempting to start an I.V. on a 14-month old, I wasn't surprised when the grandmother asked her daughter, who was crying hysterically, to leave the room.

Performing I.V. insertions on infants/children usually is a team effort - the technician, the muscle and the nurturer.

The Technician - the nurse performing the actual procedure. Nerves of steel and steady hands are crucial attributes this person must possess. Distractions from noise, crying, or hovering family members are no problem for this team member. Her priority is establishing a means to get medication to this very vulnerable patient quickly and efficiently.

The Muscle - usually another nurse. The brawn of the team. She keeps the child as still as possible. Her grip and take down maneuvers must be precise. Her presence helps prevent accidental or purposeful dislodging of the I.V.

The Nurturer - this can be family or staff. A sweet voice in the child's ear providing words of comfort to soothe the child; distraction through coaxing and praise often work well.

In spite of this team approach, it's usually always a stressful situation.

Unfortunately the first nurse wasn't able to get the I.V. started. Now the roles must change. She became the muscle and I transitioned into the role of the technician.

With skill, determination and an answered prayer, I started the I.V. NOW comes the part that can be more difficult than the needle stick - SECURING IT!

And it was during this critical period that the grandmother went bonkers!

She came flying across the room toward me crying and screaming "STOP IT! STOP IT! LEAVE MY GRANDBABY ALONE!" I'm thinking I must be dreaming. This old woman in this house coat and slippers with these curlers in her hair can't be serious. But she was.

Once I realized I wasn't dreaming the UNTHINKABLE happened. SHE SLAPPED ME ACROSS MY SHOULDER...not once but twice. Mind you, I'm trying to secure this screaming, fighting infant's I.V. and this IDIOT is hitting me.

At this point, the only thing I'm seeing is RED, BLOOD RED. Before she could land another blow, I shared the following with her without ever looking her way "Don't hit me again. We are here to help your grandchild. Calm down NOW"!

I really wasn't that upset with the little old lady. I sat and talked with her after the episode and stressed to her the importance of being a "good" support system for her young daughter and grandchild. She apologized and seemed ashamed of her behavior.

Needless to say I was the butt of many many jokes for the remainder of the shift.

Roschelle Nelson is a Registered Nurse by profession and mother, freelance writer, mentor, friend and genuine lover of life by choice. Roschelle has achieved success with several business ventures. She enjoys writing, meeting new people and considers life a precious gift.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

We recommend this Singapore Movers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The basics of credit

Credit is simply your financial trustworthiness. It shows your ability to pay. It can be determined from bill-paying history, outstanding debt, the number and type of accounts you have in your name, even the age of those accounts can be taken into consideration. All this information goes together to show your ability to pay, err your credit worthiness.

Good credit means that your history of paying bills on time has been good, you have steady employment, you don't have too much debt, or you don't have any outstanding monetary judgements against you. Good credit also means you get lower payments on home loans and car loans, and greater ease in obtaining credit cards.

Bad credit comes from paying your bills late, not only your credit card bills but also landlords may report you for paying late. Utility companies quite often send in a report of late paying customers to the credit agencies that collect credit data. A bad credit rating can be used against in many different ways. It can cause you to be unable to get credit cards, loans, apartment leases, even a job.

If your just starting out you may not even have a credit history and may find it difficult, if not almost impossible, to get a loan or credit card. Building a good credit history is not as difficult as it seems though. Many local stores will issue a credit card to someone with no credit history. Quite often you can even find car dealerships that will loan you money to buy a car from them. Once you show your ability to make your payments on time, major credit card issuers may be more willing to issue you a credit card.

You may be asking, why does any of this really matter...Because Money Matters.

About the author:

James Mercer posts articles of interest to those wanting to learn more about the financial world the runs their life Monday-Friday at

no credit check

citizens auto finance

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Three Forex Trading Strategies That You Can Never Go Wrong With

I know that many people are looking for forex trading strategies that will increase their profits, so I thought I would help them along by giving them my top three forex trading strategies that every trader should know about.

1) If you can't explain why you are taking a trade, don't trade. This is very simple, many traders just buy and sell because of their gut feeling. This is a sure fire way to destroy your trading account. I'm not saying that trading is a 100% science, but it takes a lot more to succeed in trading forex than just having a good hunch. It requires knowledge of what you are looking at.

2) Always try to trade with the trend. This is a problem for many, because a lot of people don't really know how to spot the trend. But once you can figure that out, trading starts to get a lot simpler. It's like driving with traffic, instead of going against it.

3) Learn Money Management. This one is HUGE!! You could have the best trading method in the world, but if you don't know how to leverage your money, you will fail. It's as simple as that. You cannot succeed if you are reckless with the way you take trades. You've got to remember that trading is like running a marathon. if you try to sprint your way through it, you will not last. Try to have modest goals, like getting a return of 75-100% for the year, not for the week. Thousands have tried and thousands have failed.

John Templeton has been a successful forex trader after learning how to trade price action. Once he understood that all he needed to trade forex was on a plain chart with no indicators, his profits soared.

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Friday, September 4, 2009

Things You Need To Know About Crib Safety For Your Baby

When you have a baby there are many things you need. You need clothes, bottles, diapers, wipes, a crib, and many others. This can be overwhelming when you stop to think about everything you need for such a small person. The cost of these items may be a concern to parents. Many places sell second hand baby items, you can even go to garage sales too. Most of these things will still be in good shape and you can find some great deals.


You can probably find anything you need for your baby except maybe diapers and wipes somewhere they sell secondhand items. One thing we advise would be to not buy your crib second hand. A baby spends a lot of time in his crib. Buying a new crib is a much better choice, they do use them until they are at least one year of age.

Safety Standards

The safety standards for cribs have changed over the years. If you get an older crib it may not meet today's safety standards. The crib rails for instance need to meet measurement requirements. If the crib rails are too far apart the infant may get his head stuck between the bars. However, if the bars are too close the infant may get his arms or legs stuck between the bars. There should also be enough space between the top of the rail and the top of the crib mattress to minimize the risk of the child climbing over the railing and falling out.


The purpose of the bumper in the baby crib is to prevent the baby from getting hurt on the crib rails. Bumpers are made of fabric with soft filling to protect your child. If your child rolls over and bumps his head it wont hurt as bad, it also prevents the child from getting his head stuck between the bars. Even though it is designed to protect the child, you need to make sure it is secured to the crib properly to prevent suffocation. If the bumper is too loose the child could become entangled in it and suffocate.

Blankets and Pillows

These cute bedding sets you can buy usually come with matching pillows and blankets to match the bumper and crib sheet. Although it may look cute, they also pose a risk of suffocation. The child may become entangled in the blanket and may get it wrapped around his head or other body parts and cause an injury or suffocation. With a pillow it may hurt the babies neck, or if the pillow ends up on your babies face it may also cause suffocation.

Sleepers or wearable blankets that form to your babies body are suggested to keep your child warm. These two items will keep the child warm without the risk of suffocation. You may need to check on your child throughout the night to make sure he is not getting too warm.

Just remember that when purchasing a crib it is well worth the investment to buy a new crib. With a new crib you are insured that all the parts are there, it will be assembled correctly if you follow instructions, and that it meets today's safety standards. You may also choose to buy those cute bedding sets, who could resist them. Just remember that it is a good idea to remove the pillows and blankets when the child is sleeping, and to double check to make sure the bumper is on securely to prevent injury or worse. Taking these few simple steps and precautions will make you sleep better knowing your child is safe.

Blankets, pillows can be great for decoration, but they should be removed when it comes time for baby to go to sleep. Bumpers should be fastened properly and double checked at the baby's bedtime each night. During colder nights, parents put their babies in wearable blankets that form right to the baby. There is no risk of the baby becoming entangled in the wearable blanket. Parents should check on the baby during the night to insure that he does not get overheated when wearing the very warm blankets.

With a few little steps, parents can insure safety with their baby's crib bedding. However, they need to remember to avoid using older baby cribs. Older cribs do not always meet today's safety standards. They often do not come with instructions and missing a minor detail in the instructions could be disastrous. In order to assure your baby's safety in a crib, it is very important to consider turning down the second hand offers from your friends and family and buy new. The investment will be worth the peace of mind in knowing that the baby crib you chose is safe and secure.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as New Baby Gift Baskets at

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Best Gifts for Baby Boys

So, you’re scouting for a suitable gift for a cuddly baby boy and you don’t know where or how to start especially if you can just spare a limited time of your busy world. There’s no need to panic because shopping for a baby boy gift is easy as long as you know what to look for. Below are a few gift ideas to make your shopping a trouble-free one:

1. Educational Baby Toys: If your objective is to keep the baby entertained while he learns; then, these toys are a great option. There’s a wide variety of educational toys available. There are learning activity and puzzle toys available for you to choose from that helps stimulate the child’s mental ability and growth development. Surely, the parents and the child will have a wonderful time bonding with each other through these toys.

2. Baby Booties: With the emerging fashion trend in shoes today, baby booties are of no exception. Baby booties are designed to keep the baby toes warm no matter what the temperature is. Look for designs that match with the personality of the baby or his aura.

3. Baby Hats: Baby hats that have attractive designs are hard to resist especially those that resemble like that of a baby animal. With ear flaps, eyes, and nose attached on the hat, it sure is very appealing to the child’s tastes.

4. Baby Hooded Towels: Cute hooded towels are fitting for an after bath or dip in the pool time. Made with quick-drying fabrics, these towels are safe for the baby’s sensitive skin and are very cuddly to use. The baby will surely enjoy these.

5. Baby Animal Slippers: These funky animal slippers are must-haves for cute baby boys. They are perfect in keeping the baby’s feet warm inside the house. You’ll be sure the baby will have fun wearing these adorable slippers.

6. Bodysuit: A baby bodysuit is the basis for nearly every baby outfit. It offers an easy way to give your baby an extra layer of warmth during cold weathers. There are wide selections of bodysuits available in the market today. Basic, solid colors are perfect for the baby boy.

7. Mini-Playground: If you’re that extravagant, you can purchase a mini-playground or a mini-gym. Although they can be pricey, baby boys will surely love this one. As we all know, boys are very active and they love to run and play around. Mini-playgrounds and mini-gyms provide a lot of activities for small boys. These minis are complete with stairs, slide and sometimes, a steering wheel. They also have small doors that the baby could open and close as frequent as he wants for his enjoyment.

8. Ride-on Toys: Ride-on toys are very popular for baby boys even at a very young age. Baby boys love being behind the wheel while parents love the durability. Riding toys include wagons, rocking toys, pedal toys and a lot more variety. Baby boys and their parents will certainly enjoy playing with these wonderful toys.

For the best baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets for boy, girls, unisex and twins.